TweedAs Palm Pre goes on sale in the US today, I am following the stream of Twitter updates about the highly awaited Palm smart phone.

I see links to Palm Pre news, reviews, and unboxing videos; countdowns from excited fans (@Hartman: Palm Pre Launches in 4 hours and 22 minutes =) =) ); and updates about Palm Pre apps (@joshh347 Pandora for Palm Pre is now live on the @pandora_radio website!

At the rate that it’s going, I’m sure Palm Pre will hit Twitter’s Trending Topics a few hours from now — opps, it just entered the trending list.

While browsing the updates, I also found out that there are now at least three Twitter apps for Palm Pre — the good old MoTwit (formerly known as TreoTwit), which will work through the Classic emulator; Spaz, a cross-platform Twitter client; and Tweed, described on its website as “the next-generation Twitter client designed from the ground up for the Palm® Preâ„¢ and Palm webOSâ„¢.”

Twitter users here, however, still have to wait as there is no announcement yet about the availability of Palm Pre in the Philippines. The Palm Pre launching in the US today runs on CDMA networks, while Smart, Globe and Sun operate on GSM wireless technology.