Global research and consulting company Strategy Analytics Wireless Device Lab has reported that United States consumers find Palm Centro as having the “most appealing” design.

“The Palm device is rated most appealing ahead of the Samsung i760, LG Rumor, Nokia Prism, and Pantech C810 among participants in our quarterly Visual Appeal Index where we test first impressions of five pre-release or newly released devices,” read the summary of the report.

The report also said that almost half of US consumers intending to purchase a new mobile device in the last quarter of 2007 would consider the Palm Centro.

“The Samsung i760 and Palm Centro top the purchase likelihood table for those seeking a Multifunction, fully integrated device,” the report added, saying that 35% of likely buyers in the period “are seeking a multifunction, integrated device.”

This recognition, according to Palm Info Center, “offers a brief glimmer of positive news for Palm in light of their recently-announced warning of losses in Q2 FY2008.”