May 22, 2009
For sale: one-week-old 16 GB Samsung Omnia
I'm helping a friend sell a one-week old 16 GB Samsung Omnia. She's selling the touch screen phone for P25,000, and that price is negotiable.
May 19, 2009
Palm Pre available in the US on June 6
Sprint has announced that the Palm Pre will be available in the United States on June 6 for $199.99 (after rebate and service agreement).
May 13, 2009
Smart offers 12 hours of mobile Internet for P100
Under Smart's new All Day Surf promo, prepaid users pay only P100 to stay online on their cellphone for 12 hours.
May 6, 2009 update
While the officers of Mapalad are looking for new web hosting sponsors, members are advised to join the group's Facebook page.
May 3, 2009
Palm Foleo II coming soon?
The World Wide Web does not run out of Palm rumors these days. Soon after posting about the Palm Eos, aka Mini Pre, I stumbled upon a report on the possible…
May 1, 2009
Palm EOS — post-Pre phone?
The Palm Pre isn't even in the market yet, but the tech bloghosphere is already buzzing with rumors of an upcoming mini-Pre phone.
April 25, 2009
My Palm Centro
Like the Treo 650, my Palm Centro is still "a cellphone, personal digital assistant, portable MP3 and video player, digital camera, ebook reader and 'game and…
February 22, 2009
What they said about Palm Pre
After Palm announced the Pre last month, I gathered reactions from prominent tech blogs and Pinoy techies, particularly Apple fans. I never got to complete it.…
January 14, 2009
Twit, Plurk through SMS using and YM
With new social networking sites that followed Twitter, Plurk, and Jaiku, a social networker like me couldn't help but wish that I could update all my services…
January 11, 2009
Palm webOS and Palm Pre
Critics expected the launch to be Palm's last attempt at fighting what they thought was an inevitable final slide to oblivion. But we now know that what the…